Monthly Archives: June 2011

Jew of the Week: Carly Fleischmann

Carly’s Voice

Carly Fleischmann An autistic child from Toronto, she was once written off as severely retarded and recommended to be placed in a mental institution. But her parents refused to give up on her. She hadn’t communicated a word until age 11, when she began typing on a computer. Today, she writes a popular blog for autists (, Tweets regularly, and is working on a novel. Carly writes: “Shouldn’t religion be meaningful in our daily lives? My name is Carly Fleischmann and I’m proud to be a Jew. See her story here.

Words of the Week

Love your fellow as yourself.
Leviticus 19:18

Jew of the Week: Gene Simmons

Gene Simmons, Family Jew

Chaim Witz, aka Gene Simmons

Gene Simmons (b. 1949) Born Chaim Witz in Haifa, Israel to Hungarian Holocaust survivors, he emigrated with his mother to New York when he was 8 years old. Witz attended Yeshiva Torah V’Daat in Brooklyn. Later, he took up his mother’s maiden name and was known as Eugene Klein. After having played in several bands, he formed a new one called Kiss, a Hungarian translation of his last name, which means “small”. Due to their love of Purim, the band has become famous for their flamboyant costumes and make-up. Simmons has since starred in multiple films and TV shows, has published 5 books and several science fiction magazines (he is a fan of the genre). On a recent visit to Israel, he said “I’m Israeli. I’m a stranger in America. I’m an outsider”.

Chaim Witz, aka the Demon

Words of the Week

One whom people are pleased with, G-d is pleased with him; but one whom people are not pleased with, G-d is not pleased with him
Pirkei Avot 3:10

Jew of the Week: King David

Happy Shavuot!

David 1, Goliath 0

David ben Ishai (c. 907-837 BCE) Better known as King David, he unified the twelve tribes of Israel, prepared Jerusalem for its status as our eternal capital and defeated all of our enemies, namely the Philistines and their champion Goliath. [*Sidenote: he didn’t kill Goliath with a slingshot. He chopped his head off with the giant’s own sword.] Perhaps most famously, he is the author of the Book of Psalms – beloved by peoples worldwide, including Jews, Christians, and Gangsta Rappers (see below). David was a harpist and poet, shepherd and the youngest of 8 brothers. He ruled Israel for 40 years, and lived exactly 70, having been born and passed away on Shavuot.

Words of the Week

“Even when I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me.” – King David, Psalm 23
“As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I take a look at my life, and realize there’s nothin’ left.” – Coolio, Gangster’s Paradise
“I shall fear no man, but God; Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…” – 2Pac, So Many Tears